Carbon Neutrality: A Nimble Commitment
We make products. We sell products. We ship products. It all leaves a carbon footprint behind.

Carbon emissions are a form of air pollution. It changes our planet’s climate by trapping heat, creating dangerous living conditions for virtually everything on Earth.
As a consumer tech company rooted in eco-impact reduction, this is a meaningful challenge for us.
Especially as our industry’s growth is exploding. Every day, over 273,000 people start using a smartphone for the first time. In fact, more people worldwide now own a mobile device than a toothbrush! To satisfy demand, oceans of new electronics and accessories are being made daily.
For many concerned citizens, waste is the biggest red flag. Which means carbon emissions are often overlooked. Considering humanity’s output hit a record high of 55.5 billion tCO2e in 2018, the threat is already here. With more CO2 now in the atmosphere than ever before, the stage is set for rapid climate change impact.
Government action has been slow. Which means companies like us must act to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the board.
This year, we’re going beyond sustainable materials and e-waste recycling to offset 100% of our carbon output.
Today, we’re proud to announce our commitment to become Climate Neutral Certified in 2021.

What is Climate Neutral?
Climate Neutral is an independent non-profit organization on a mission to decrease global carbon emissions by creating a trusted standard for corporate climate action.
Certification is achieved by first accurately measuring the full carbon footprint of all our business activities. Once determined, we work directly with the Climate Neutral team to secure carbon credits, designed to offset our emissions. These credits fund verified efforts to remove CO2 from our atmosphere through forestry and energy efficiency initiatives. Solving the climate crisis simply cannot occur without investment for projects driving systemic change in our economies.
It’s a critical next step in our carbon reduction action plan, which includes ongoing partnerships with, and UPS via Carbon Neutral Shipping to directly offset the climate impact of delivering orders to customers.
Looking Ahead
Current global carbon levels may seem insurmountable. Which is why our planet requires immediate and radical solutions. Thankfully, our industry is making strides as more consumer tech brands adopt much needed changes to their business model. We know action on climate neutrality is central to reducing our own footprint. But also necessary to compel consumer tech’s largest players to counter their own.
We’ve always believed a more sustainable future is possible. Our hope is that Climate Neutral Certification becomes a minimum standard for corporate action everywhere. It’s up to the rest of us to support brands accepting the challenge.